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Try Before You Buy - FAQs

How long do I have to decide?
The Try Before You Buy trial period of 5 days begins when your item(s) have been delivered to you based on parcel tracking.

How do I return my Try Before You Buy item(s)?
To return your Try Before You Buy order, head to the Returns page and enter your email address and order number and follow the prompts.

If we don’t hear from you at the end of your try period, we know you love your product(s) and you will automatically be charged.

Can I checkout with a product I want to buy upfront in addition to a Try Before You Buy eligible item?
Yes! Select the ‘Add to Cart’ button for the item(s) you want to purchase and the ‘Try Before You Buy’ button for the item(s) you want to trial.

How many items can I try at once?
You can try up to 3 items included in the Try Before You Buy edit. You can try various sizes to find your perfect fit, however cannot order 2 of the same size in the same item. 

Not sure on the size(s) you should order?
Since numerical sizing can differ so much between brands, we always suggest taking your waist and hip measurements (measuring the widest part of your lower body, this usually includes your bottom) and comparing them to our size guide. Alternatively, if you are happy to share your measurements with our Customer Care team we can provide tailored advice. Reach out to for assistance.

Are there shipping fees for Try Before You Buy orders?
Shipping is free on orders to the value of over $150. For orders to the value of under $150, a $11.99 Standard shipping fee applies or $16.99 for Express shipping. Hint: Try 2 items to get Free Shipping!

What products are available as part of the Try Before You Buy feature?
All products on our website (excluding Outlet items) are included in the Try Before You Buy feature.

What if I miss the return window for Try Before You Buy?
If you’re unable to drop off your Try Before You Buy order to your nearest Post Office within the try period, contact us at orclick here to use our contact form.

Can I exchange a Try Before You Buy order?
Exchanges are not available for Try Before You Buy items. However you can return your item(s) and place a new Try Before You Buy order with a new size. If you need assistance finding your perfect fit, reach out to us at

Can I return the item(s) even after I decide to keep it?
If you change your mind and want to return it, no problems! We are more than happy to offer free returns on items that are unworn (tried on is okay of course!) and in the same condition that you received them within 30 days of ordering. Head to our Returns page and follow the prompts.

What forms of payment can I use when placing my order?
Only Visa or Mastercard are accepted when placing Try Before You Buy orders. ShopPay, Paypal, After Pay etc are not accepted for this feature. Card details are taken via a secure online payment method.

Why was I charged after processing my return?
Your try period may have expired prior to the items being returned. If you were charged after returning item(s), reach out to us at

Why is there an unauthorized charge/fee on my statement?
The charge to your card isn’t a held payment, it is a temporary charge that takes place to verify information. Please reach out to if you have any concerns.

Can I select another product for Try Before You Buy?
If you have already placed a Try Before You Buy order, once you have returned or decided to keep the item(s) you can then place another Try Before You Buy order. 

How do I cancel my Try Before You Buy order?
Unfortunately we are unable to amend orders once they have been placed, however we may be able to cancel your order before it is packed. Reach out to us at as soon as possible for assistance.

Why am I not able to use your Try Before You Buy feature?
The Try Before You Buy option is not available on Outlet items. If we are unable to verify your information sufficiently you may not be eligible for the feature. Contact us at with your details so we can assist you.

Is there a deposit or restocking fee for Try Before You Buy products?
There is no deposit or restocking fee required to use the Try Before You Buy feature.

How do I track my order?
You can find the tracking details for your order in the shipping confirmation email that is sent to you once your order has been dispatched.

Can I use discount codes for Try Before You Buy orders?
Discount codes and Gift Cards/store credit are not eligible to use with Try Before You Buy orders.

Is the Try Before You Buy feature available to customers outside of Australia?
Unfortunately, this feature is currently not available for our International customers.