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5 ways to boost your endorphins while self isolating (that’s not exercise)

5 ways to boost your endorphins while self isolating (that’s not exercise)

Coronavirus, ugh. It’s easy to get down when you’re stuck at home social-distancing from friends and out of your normal day-to-day routine. While Netflix marathons are fun and social media makes us happy, too much screentime can leave us feeling blah. You know we love a good home workout but we’ve compiled some extra ideas to boost your mood. Put down your phone and try these tips for a positivity pick-me-up.

1. Hello sunshine

Grab a little sunshine and fresh air — however you can. It might mean just sitting by your window. Take some deep breaths and just be still away from the stimulus of the news, TV and social media.

2. Dance party for one

Crank your favourite tunes, get your body moving and dance like no one's watching — because they’re not. Bonus points for singing along too!

3. Pat your pets

Dogs are the real winners in our new work-from-home world. Give your furry friends some extra cuddles and attention to boost both your moods. No pets? Next time you’re on the internet look up funny animal videos for a good laugh. 

4. Eat chocolate

The science doesn’t lie – chocolate contains phenylethylamine which raises endorphin levels. So grab a few squares, make a cup of tea and settle down with a good book.

5. Declutter

You know that messy spot in your house that you’ve been meaning to Marie Kondo for two years? Now’s the time to tackle it and tidy up. While it might not spark joy while you’re cleaning up, you’ll feel a sense of satisfaction and enjoy your time at home more once it’s complete.

Don’t forget to sneak a home workout or gentle stretch session in there too!

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