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No motivation to workout at-home during COVID-19?

Under normal circumstances our motivation to exercise can fade. So is it any wonder during self-isolation when our gym is closed and we’re stressed, exhausted and missing our routines that all we want to do is scroll mindlessly through our socials and go back to bed? 

But as self-isolating and staying home become our new normal for the coming months, finding our groove with healthy at-home habits will be essential to our wellbeing.

Here are five tips to get you moving again.

Set a routine

Schedule in your workout for the same time each day. If you can, do it first thing in the morning to avoid constantly negotiating with yourself when you’ll start exercising. Live workouts (via apps or Facebook Live) are especially great as you have to stick to a start time like you would your normal exercise class, or schedule a zoom with a friend while you exercise in your home gym.

Start small

Your usual routine might be a high-intensity F45 session or a 5km run, but it’s time to cut yourself some slack. Right now it’s about getting some movement, however small. Ten minute stretch session? Check. We know healthy habits encourage more healthy habits, so it’s about gaining momentum again. 

Embrace novelty

Change your mindset and think of this as an opportunity to try new things. Most workout apps are offering free trials and YouTube has every type of workout imaginable – no fees or lock-in contracts! Try something new every day for a week depending on your mood and energy levels. Like our simple deck of cards workout or home workout with household items. You never know you might find a new favourite exercise… Hip hop dancing in the privacy of your lounge room sure sounds fun!

Wear activewear all day, every day 

You knew we’d say that! But seriously, wearing tights makes it easy to add incidental movement into your day. Ten squats while the kettle boils anyone? Pop your business attire on up top for Zoom calls then transition easily to your lunchtime yoga session and reduce the friction between working and working out.

Find support online

You’re not alone. A recent poll of the Active Truth community found that 65% of people were exercising less now they were self-isolating. Reasons included being unmotivated, exhausted, stressed, anxious and missing the routine and motivation that gyms and classes provide. Find like-minded people online to share workout ideas, motivate each other and celebrate successes. Our private Facebook group is a great place to start. 
