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The Annual Vinnies CEO Sleepout

The Annual Vinnies CEO Sleepout

Hi, we’re Stevie and Nadia, Active Truth’s founders.

This June we are giving up a night of comfort to fundraise for Vinnies as part of the annual CEO Sleepout. It's a small act, but the money we raise can make a big difference.

Every night over 21,000 people in Queensland alone experience homelessness, and more than 116,000 people across Australia will experience homelessness this winter. Housing stress has increased during COVID with more people struggling to get by, afford food and pay their bills.

To support this important cause you can donate directly.

Here’s the impact that the funds raised can make and directly assist people experiencing homelessness and people at risk of homelessness:

$55 can help feed a family for a day

$120 can help a family to keep power on this winter

$400 can help relocate a person sleeping rough to accommodation services

$505 can help provide emergency accommodation for a family in crisis

When we join the Vinnies CEO Sleepout, we will only be cold for one night. For others, their winter is a time of hunger, long cold nights, loneliness and desperation.

Thank you for helping us support this important cause.

Stevie & Nadia

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