Meet the team — Nadia
What's your role at Active Truth?
We know you shouldn't have favourites .... but which are the best tights?
Anything Leopard - my new favourite is our recent Natural Leopard release.
Favourite Tune?
Showing my age - Like a Prayer, Madonna
Favourite quote?
Every night my boys and I say together “I am smart, I am kind, I am important, I am loved.”
Best life hack?
Putting my gym clothes/shoes out the night before!
What is your favourite thing about living in Brisbane?
The outdoors - there are so many parklands, playgrounds, sporting fields that I get to enjoy with my family.
If you could (hike/swim/yoga/insert activity) anywhere in the world, where would it be?
On the top of my bucket list is the Kokoda Track - I’d really love to do it before I’m 40. Anyone want to join me?
Are you a podcast convert?
Yes. All business and no pleasure at the moment. Some of my favourites are How I Built This, Lady Startups, The Glossy Podcast, How I Work and every morning I listen to The Squiz Kids with the boys.
Instagram or Facebook?
Again showing my age! Facebook. Mainly for access to information like my kid’s school page, our local community group and of course our AT private group. And I love a good meme!
What is your favourite way to get the endorphins going?
Dancing. I may not be good at it but I love nothing more than a little dance on the spot at a stoplight. Can’t tell you how much I am loving TikTok!
If you could go for a walk with anyone, who would that person be?
Bobby Tucker - my dog. He has brought so much joy to our family.
Favourite snack or meal?
Anything potato!
What is your star sign?
Are tights pants?
Most definitely.
Favourite book?
To Kill a Mockingbird, it inspired me to become a lawyer.
What is important to you in a pair of leggings?
Core support and functionality.
Introvert or extrovert?
A little of both.
Favourite childhood memory?
Seaside holidays in Port Fairy with my family.
Top workout tip?
Incorporate stretching in active resting.
Pockets or no pockets?
Give me all the pockets.
Favourite Aussie small business (other than AT of course).
Grotti Lotti, her artwork features on the walls in my home and I use her cards to pen thank you notes.
What is your secret pleasure?
I sneak into the kitchen in the middle of the night and eat TimTams. A habit passed down from my father.
Must-watch Netflix series?
I’ve never been much of a TV watcher. I think the only series I’ve watched on Netflix is House of Cards. The girls at book club have highly recommended a particular episode of Gwenyth Paltrow’s Goop - let's see - I might change my ways.